One thought on “Barbara’s CV

  1. Hey Barb, let me know if this gets to you. Found your blogspot at Rutgers, i think. The article that most intrigued me is about user generated information. I think this phenomena is responsible for a number of society’s ills. When we depended more on newspapers (despite some of their biases) we developed something of a common vocabulary. Since we trusted that newspapers did fact checking and, while maybe did not give a complete picture, they did not lie outright. Today’s situation where all opinions matter tends to distort truth. IMHO this situation gives rise to many falsehoods and contributes to the fractionalization that we see being played out in the political arena. The everybody’s an expert concept has made librarians work more difficult and more important as we try to convey mechanisms for making distinctions among so many resources…many of which should not be trusted. I could go on but won’t…just waiting to see what comes of tonight’s Republican debate. Congratulations on the thesis!

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