Turning Different Kinds of Data into the Same Gold

The Olympics in Rio de Janeiro were an amazing display of human physical, mental and emotional power.  Athletes from 205 countries gathered to compete in a wide range of sports including the traditional track and field events and newer events such as beach volleyball. One of the factors that made Rio, and every Olympiad, so… Read More Turning Different Kinds of Data into the Same Gold

The Fight between Apple and the US Government: It’s All About Information

Apple and the US Government are currently locked in a legal contest in which Apple is refusing to create and provide the code necessary for Federal officials to get information from a terrorist’s cell phone. This contest is critical and information in various types is playing center stage. At the heart of the dispute is… Read More The Fight between Apple and the US Government: It’s All About Information

New Year’s Resolutions To Improve Your Information Fitness

A large segment of those who make New Year’s resolutions focus them on goals such as losing weight or getting more exercise.  Gym memberships surge at this time of year as does enrollment in popular weight loss programs. Yet Forbes reported in 2013 that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions.  Perhaps this… Read More New Year’s Resolutions To Improve Your Information Fitness